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Risk-Need-Responsivity: The Basics for Behavioral Health Providers
Welcome & Introduction
Introduction (2:18)
How to Use the Workbook
Download: Workbook
What is RNR? (1:19)
Download: Table 1. RNR Principles and Practices
RNR Definitions (2:58)
Pre-Course Quiz
Risk Principle
The Risk Principle (1:42)
Screening & Assessment for Risk of Reoffending (9:40)
Risk-Related Intervention Considerations (4:32)
Quiz 1: Risk Principle
Quiz 2: Risk Principle
Science Moment: Risk Principle - The Evidence-Base
Need Principle
The Need Principle (1:50)
Risk-Needs Assessment to Identify Dynamic Risk Factors (13:09)
Download: Table 2. Dynamic Risk Factors Defined
Download: MA Drug Court Participants' Dynamic Risk Factors for Recidivism
Matching Services to Dynamic Risk Factors In Treatment Planning (10:12)
Assignment 1: Taking Stock of Your Service Landscape - Part 1
Assignment 2: Client Needs & Dynamic Risk Factor Service Availability
Science Moment: Need Principle - The Evidence-Base
Responsivity Principle
The Responsivity Principle (1:04)
CBT to Address Dynamic Risk Factors (0:35)
Resource: Identifying Effective Interventions
Individual Characteristics & Treatment Response (2:27)
Assignment 3: Taking Stock of Your Service Landscape - Part 2
Resource: Specific Responsivity Factors
Course Wrap-Up
Post-Course Quiz
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Individual Characteristics & Treatment Response
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